Board of Directors Approved 07/05/07
June7, 2007

Present: Williams, Gerhardt, Hotaling, Angen, Curtola, Fisher, Hon. James F. Moelk, Hakenen, Martin, Machado, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Tauber

The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes of May 3, 2007
Hakenen motioned to approve, Hon. James F. Moelk seconded. The motion carried.

President’s Report
Draft Mission Statement: The draft Mission Statement will be mailed to the membership as soon as possible for member input. The Board will request that any comments on the draft mission statement be returned to the business office by the end of June.

July Board Meeting: The Board will meet on their regularly scheduled date which is July 5, 2007 at 6:30 p.m.

Tee #6 Restroom: The original contractor selected for the restroom repairs could not provide required insurance certificates so the next acceptable contractor Hurley Construction was awarded the job. The new contractor will begin the work once the Club receives a certificate of insurance. It is hopeful the repair work will begin June 15, 2007. A notice will be place on the Club bulletin board when works begins to keep the members informed on the progress.

Locker Room Altercation: A GVCC member requested the Board to reconsider the suspension of one of the two guests involved in an altercation in the men’s card room. The Executive Committee declined the request.

Treasurer’s Report
The cancellation of two golf tournaments and the increase of food costs lead to a discussion on budget concerns. The budget and finance committee will review food costs.
Machado motioned to increase the deposit for Monday outside golf tournaments and require each year a $1,500 deposit. This includes new and returning tournaments. Angen seconded, the motion carried.

Membership Sales & Notations
Social Applicants: Steven & Nancy Hopkins, Gary & Kathy Matsumura, Bruce Markus, Jay & Patricia Huyssoon. Hakenen motioned to approve the social applications subject to those needing to complete their posting period. Martin seconded, the motion carried. The Board took note of four Notice To Sell forms which will be effective for sale June 8, 2007.

Tennis Sub-Committee
Hon. James F. Moelk distributed a report from the sub-committee stating it recommended that the current tennis programs be continued as well as a full time tennis professional. The report is attached.

Committee Reports
Green: S.I.D. work is still progressing. Completion is expected by the end of August. Story proposed new water coolers to replace the water jugs on the golf course. The new coolers will be hooked up to electrical where available. The other new coolers that will not have electrical outlets available will be packed with ice to keep the water cool. The Board requested that it receive from the committee recommendations on :enforcing golf course rules and sending warning letters to violators;, having Story place a rope or log to block frequently used access areas to fairways; rotating the appropriate fairway accesses;, posting notices stating no carts within 50 feet of the green; and eliminating cigar/cigarette and other trash on the golf course) The topics were forwarded to the committee in May and no action was taken..
Golf: Due to the continued abuse of cigarette and cigar debris left on the golf course, the committee is requesting that all tobacco products be eliminated from sales at the Club. Gerhardt motioned to approve, Hon. James F. Moelk seconded. A discussion followed whether or not banning the sale of tobacco products would eliminate debris on the golf course. They further discussed putting a no smoking course to member vote. The motion failed. The Board believed that eliminating the sale of tobacco products at the Club would not solve the problem and penalize those members who purchased tobacco products but did not litter the course.
Tennis: Tennis play is up, and the programs have created more interest among members particularly the social members.
Food & Beverage: The committee developed a new mission statement for their particular committee and presented it to the Board for approval. Hotaling motioned to approve, Gerhardt seconded. The motion carried.
Social: The upcoming Italian Night Buffet is sold out. Game Night will begin July 8, following the evening barbeque.

Old & New Business
Correspondence: The Board reviewed a member letter regarding a delinquent bill and sale of a membership.
Security Cameras: Ongoing. Additional companies will be contacted for bids.
Nextel: The Board discussed whether or not to proceed with the Nextel agreement, ie., scheduling a community meeting including all GVCC members and non members who ring the 15th and 16th holes. Machado motioned to proceed with a community meeting, Hon. James F. Moelk seconded. The motion carried, one opposed. A community meeting, including GVCC members will be scheduled prior to approving and executing the proposed lease agreement.
Associate Memberships: Current by-laws do not allow tennis privileges to Associate members. When the Board approved the Social class of membership, the by-laws were to be adjusted to allow tennis privileges to Associate members. Hon. James F. Moelk requested Board approval to proceed with adjusting the by-laws to allow tennis privileges for Associate members. The changes will require a membership vote. The Board agreed that Hon. James F. Moelk proceed with the proposed by law amendment for Board approval and submittal to the membership.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Trey Curtola, Secretary